As we approach Father’s Day, we wanted to shine a light on the importance that family support plays in helping a loved one seek treatment for substance use disorder and embracing life in recovery.
Family involvement is an important part of our approach at Herren Wellness. We encourage family members to be active, engaged, and involved with the recovery of their loved one, and for themselves. Life coaches work with the families of guests to identify and address situations and relationships that need healing and support and help them to find a support network of their own to navigate the early recovery process and beyond.

Just as wellness of mind, body, and spirit is important for our guests, it’s equally important for family members as well. Our emphasis on holistic therapies, fitness, sleep hygiene, and cultivating healthy habits also applies to a guest’s entire support system. Mental and physical health are inextricably interwoven, and we encourage loved ones to identify and explore ways they can prioritize self-care as they heal.
Wellness also provides opportunities for families to cultivate healthy habits together and aides with the healing process. Going for walks, preparing and eating healthy meals together, engaging in fun family activities, and continuing family therapy are all ways families can recover together and prioritize wellness and self-care.
“We treat the families here at Herren Wellness just as we do the guests. We meet them where they are at in the process and we help them support where their loved one is at in the recovery process. Communication and wellness are a huge part of maintaining a healthy family dynamic so they all can grow as a family.”
– Heather Herren, Co-Founder of Herren Wellness.
Resources for Loved Ones and Families
There are many resources available to families and loved ones of people in recovery and/or those with substance use disorder. It’s important to find a support system that works for each person – what works for one person in the family may not be the right fit for another. There is no wrong way for family members to heal, the important thing is to be part of a like-minded community focused on wellness, self-care, and recovery:
Herren Project: is the non-profit sister company of Herren Wellness that provides information, resources, consultations, online support groups facilitated by clinicians, and more for family members of those with substance use disorder and/or who are in recovery at no cost.

Al-Anon: is a worldwide 12-step fellowship with a structure like Alcoholics Anonymous, but designed for loved ones, families, and friends of people with substance use disorder and/or who are in recovery. Al-Anon is open to anyone seeking support whether their loved one is in recovery or not, and their site has tools to find local meetings and other resources you may find helpful.
Alateen: is part of the fellowship of Al-Anon, and it is a program geared towards adolescents of families affected by substance use disorder. Their website has tools to find local meetings, events, and information/resources for adolescents.
NAMI Family Support Group: NAMI stands for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and it provides broad support groups for family members of people with mental health conditions. Membership is free, and there is a weekly support group for adult family members as well.
Nar-Anon: is a 12-step fellowship similar to Al-Anon in structure, and it a community for loved ones of people with substance use disorder, in particular for narcotics. You can find a listing on their site for meetings and events near you.
SMART Recovery Family & Friends: SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training, and it is a secular alternative to 12-step fellowships. On their site you can find meeting locations, online groups, meetings, and events.

The Herren Wellness Family
When guests first arrive the pain and damage to relationships from their substance use, in particular as it relates to their family, can feel insurmountable. We know that with love, care, support, and wellness, all things are possible in recovery. Witnessing parents reconnect with their children and entire families embracing a life of recovery and wellness together is so special.
“It’s really a special place and I am grateful to be a part of it and see all the amazing transformations of people that first walk in the door and to when they leave and seeing families recover as well is pretty special to witness.” – Heather Herren
When you are a guest at Herren Wellness, you become part of our family, and that doesn’t end when your stay ends. We encourage former guests to visit, share their experiences of strength and hope with current guests and continue to be a part of our program with participation in our alumni group.
If you, or a loved one, are looking for help, please call us at (844) 443-7736, email us at, or fill out a contact form. You are not alone.