Our team is comprised of professionals and certified consultants, experienced in guiding our guests through a journey of recovery. We provide collaborative medical and clinical support to ensure continuity of care, and our model emphasizes holistic wellness and healthy activity aimed at sustained recovery. Nutrition, fitness, healthy habits, mindfulness, community, and family support are all integral aspects of a guest’s wellness plan. Our board and management team have deep experience in all aspects of recovery and wellness.

Our team is comprised of professionals and certified consultants, experienced in guiding our guests through a journey of recovery. We provide collaborative medical and clinical support to ensure continuity of care, and our model emphasizes holistic wellness and healthy activity aimed at sustained recovery. Nutrition, fitness, healthy habits, mindfulness, community, and family support are all integral aspects of a guest’s wellness plan. Our board and management team have deep experience in all aspects of recovery and wellness.


Chris Herren

Founder An extraordinary basketball player, Chris Herren was a celebrated star in his native Fall River, MA before graduating high school. He went on to play at Boston College and Fresno State, two seasons in the NBA – including one with his hometown team, the Boston Celtics – and seven seasons overseas before losing it all to the disease of addiction. Read more >


Heather Herren, M.Ed

Co-Founder / Family Support Heather and her husband co-founded Hoop Dreams with Chris Herren, Inc., in 2009 and Herren Project, a non-profit organization that provides treatment and recovery resources for individuals and families seeking help for addiction. Heather has vast personal and professional experience in dealing with addiction. Read more >


Lori McCarthy, LADC, CAI

Executive Director / Partner Lori has 15 years of experience working with those facing the disease of addiction. She was the Chief Marketing Officer and Clinical Outreach Director at Gosnold on Cape Cod, an addiction and mental healthcare organization offering prevention, intervention, treatment and integrative recovery management services. Read more >


Dr. John McGonigle, MD
Dr. John McGonigle, MD Medical Advisor
Meg Carroll
Meg CarrollDirector of Wellness Associates & Guest Services
Nick Correia, CPPS Level 1 & 2, APPC
Nick Correia, CPPS Level 1 & 2, APPCFitness Director
Jen Gagnon, CPA
Jen Gagnon, CPADirector of Finance
Kari Miner
Kari MinerChef
Margaret Portanova
Margaret PortanovaFamily Support Coordinator
Rhodes Rouse
Rhodes RouseDirector of Community Outreach
Katie Thomson
Katie ThomsonLife Coach
Laura Dee
Laura DeeLicensed Acupuncture, MAOM, Dipl. OM
Jessie Teotonio
Jessie TeotonioMassage Therapist
Rachel Tondreault
Rachel TondreaultYoga Instructor, Certified E-RYT200